
I like to cook and started this blog as a digital recipe diary and as a cookbook of sorts. Generally, I like to try to keep things healthy and base my recipes around vegetables and/or fruits. I am a big fan of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Farmers’ markets. I like simple. I like inexpensive. I like quick. I like soups. I also really like bold flavors and spice, so I tend to lean toward ethnic foods. Tex-Mex and Southeast Asian foods are my favorite.

I’m a food-loving Texan with an Anthropology degree that spent 10 years in Virginia before moving to Columbia, South Carolina in August of 2010. I grew up in a vegetarian family, so many of my recipes are vegetarian or vegan. In Virginia I taught at a school for gifted children and incorporated cooking and food in many of my lessons. I even briefly taught a cooking class for kids. Now I’m a stay-at-home mom with two very picky eaters. I spent a good chunk of the day driving my kids to and from school. In December of 2013, I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. I had my thyroid removed in January of 2014 and a radioactive iodine treatment in March of 2014. So far, so good. In spite of having an elevated tumor marker, I had clear CT scans (yay!) at the end of May 2014 and a clear nuclear whole body scan in March of 2015. I blog about my thyroid cancer experience and post low iodine recipes on my other blog, On a Butterfly’s Wings.

I’ve been blogging for a while now. I started a food blog called “Sustenance” at another site in 2003. Changes at that site in 2010 forced me elsewhere. I moved my entire blog over to WordPress and have continued to add new recipes. The photos in my older posts are kind of terrible (at the time I had a 4 mega pixels digital camera that I bought at a garage sale for $10). I’m currently using my a $79 16 mega pixels Canon Power Shot. It’s okay for a point and shoot. I also use my iPhone to take photos. I’m hoping to continue to improve my photography skills and to get a decent camera one day. I cook every day and blog when I can. I am looking forward to continuing my food blog for many years.

I would love to know what you think about my blog or recipes. Please leave a comment, especially if you try one of the featured recipes.

12 Comments on “About”

  1. ohiocook says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and the “Like” of my post.

  2. ohiocook says:

    ….and thanks for following my blog!

  3. You do have a lovely blog. 🙂

  4. Hi, I’ve been enjoying your blog and especially like your vegetarian dishes. You have interesting versions of the Tex-Mex and Mexican foods too. Thank you very much for following and liking! I look forward to seeing more of yours!

  5. Rachel says:

    Hi! Glad to find your blog! We love to cook and like to try new dishes. Or sometimes variations on old ones. 🙂

  6. MamaD1xx4xy says:

    Where in South Carolina are you? I am in Columbia.

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